Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to use MGSPORT?
To start with take one tablet at night before going to sleep (regardless of physical activity) in order to build up a store of magnesium in the body.

When the body's balance is restored (Loose stools in the morning) stop taking MGSPORT for two days.

Then take one tablet on every day of sporting activity to maintain body balance.

When is the best time to take MGSPORT – before or after activity?

Magnesium is best absorbed in the body during sleep, when the stomach is acidic, so the best time to take a MGSPORT capsule is immediately before going to sleep.

If this is not possible, take one tablet together with half a banana or a snack one hour before sports activity.

Should one of your friends suffer from muscle cramps during training, don't hesitate to give him a tablet too – it will bring relief within 30 minutes.

Is MGSPORT expensive compared to other supplements in the market?

The answer lies in the amount of magnesium absorption in the body.

Studies show that most products that cost less also provide poorer results.

The proper calculation of cost efficiency is as follows:

-          The recommended daily serving of MGSPORT is 1 capsule compared to 2-4 tablets in other brands.

-          The absorption level is three times higher than in other brands – thus one MGSPORT capsule is equal to 6-12 tablets of "regular" magnesium.

-          The price of 1 box of 100 servings MGSPORT should be compared with the price of 600-1200 "regular" magnesium tablets.

Conclusion: MGSPORT is more user-friendly and economical than other brands in the market.

Is there a risk of overdosing on magnesium?

No. Clinical studies showed that whatever is not absorbed in the body is excreted through the digestive system. If only a small amount is absorbed in the cells and most is excreted this may cause loose stools. This is why highly absorbent MGSPORT contains a large amount of active ingredients while regular magnesium tablets have very little active ingredients.

People who are sports active are recommended to increase amounts of magnesium intake to compensate for the loss of magnesium during physical activity.

When exerted physical effort is required, during training or before difficult sporting events (marathons, triathlons, Ironman), an extra tablet is recommended after breakfast.

I don't have any muscle stiffness or cramping during sports activities – do I also need magnesium?
Due to the decrease of magnesium in our bodies (over 80% of the population are magnesium deficient) resulting from 21st century dietary habits, the entire population should be taking magnesium supplements. Sporting activity depletes the cell's magnesium store even further and reduces the effectiveness of the activity and the rate of lactic acid excretion from the muscles. Lack of magnesium slows down body recovery rates after exerted physical activity and may lead to torn muscles, stress fractures, osteoporosis (reduced bone mineral density), and the inability to absorb vitamin D.
My blood tests show that the magnesium level in my blood is fine. Do I still need to take a magnesium supplement?
Blood tests do not indicate the magnesium level in the body. In order to avoid a drop in the magnesium level in the blood (which may lead to a disorder of heart rate) the body uses magnesium found in the cells and bones to maintain the level in the blood. The amount of magnesium present in the cells and bones can be ascertained only by means of the Intracellular Magnesium EXA Test. Comprehensive studies found that more than 80% of the population have either a very low level of magnesium or a magnesium deficiency.
What is the difference between various magnesium supplements?
The difference between products lies in intracellular absorption and in the amount of elemental magnesium contained in each tablet. For example, magnesium citrate was tested and found to be inefficient with regard to intracellular absorption compared to MGSPORT. Products based on this component should be avoided. MGSPORT was tested and found to be the most efficient product with regard to intracellular absorption. The amount of elemental magnesium in each tablet appears on product labels and can be easily compared.
What about supplements that contain both magnesium and calcium? Aren't these preferable?

Calcium and magnesium "compete" against each other for proper absorption, so it's preferable to take them separately. Zinc and potassium deficiencies can be treated by eating bananas (it's no coincidence that tennis pros Nadal and Federer eat banana during a game, and it's not only for the available energy). MGSPORT was developed especially for the needs of athletes and contains 900 mg magnesium, of which 380mg are elemental magnesium.

Does vitamin D facilitate the absorption of magnesium?
Today we know that Magnesium enhances the absorption of vitamin D, and not vice versa. Vitamin D deficiency may indicate magnesium deficiency.